
Funeral Video Streaming

Universal Chung Wah Funeral Directors have partnered with OneRoom to provide a quality video streaming option for family and friends who are unable to attend the funeral service.

OneRoom offers a private webcasting experience, where the funeral service is live streamed and recorded so that family or friends that are unable to attend the funeral can watch it in real-time or later on. OneRoom will store the video recording safely with password-protected access to the private online archive so that you can share this with your family members and friends. You can revisit the recording when it best suits you.

How it works:

  1. Schedule - the funeral home schedules the service for an automated recording.
  2. Invite - the family member organising the service will receive an email invitation that can be forwarded to others.
  3. Record and view - when the service begins, cameras begin recording and streaming.
  4. Watch again - the archived recording of the service is accessible through the same email invitation and can be downloaded to share with your family and friends.

Watch the video below for a step-by-step guide to accessing and setting up the funeral webcasting.

OneRoom is a webcasting provider in the funeral services space, operating across four countries and having streamed and recorded funeral services and memorials for hundreds of thousands of online guests to date. If you have questions about OneRoom and their webcasting services, please visit OneRoom's FAQ page.