Who you should notify of the death?
There are the family and friends of the deceased to notify, and it can help to have a trusted family member or friend act as a point of contact.
Others who may need to know, but not necessarily straight away, are:
- Accountant
- Australian Electoral Office
- Australian Tax Office
- Centrelink
- Clubs, organisations and associations
- Department of Veteran's Affairs
- Email and social media accounts
- Employer
- Executor nominated by the deceased
- Financial Institutions – eg. banks, building societies, credit unions, credit card providers, loan companies and digital monetary accounts such as eBay and PayPal
- Home services - eg. nursing service, home delivery service, home appliance rental, medical aids rental company, cleaning or gardening services
- Insurance companies – including funeral, life, accident, home and contents, vehicle
- Local Government – rates and fire levy
- Vehicles – car lease, car registration
- Medical – dentists, specialists, hospitals, chemist, health benefits fund
- Medicare
- Post Office - mail delivery
- Solicitor and/or public trustee
- Superannuation companies
- Telecommunications – eg. phone and internet providers
- Utilities – eg. electricity, gas, water companies
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